StEER Launches Website, Membership Drive

Published on May 2, 2019


The Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance network, known as StEER, has recently launched its website: The site includes comprehensive information about the group’s vision, event responses and products.

More importantly, the site includes a formal invitation for NHERI network members and DesignSafe users to join StEER. Find details about joining by visiting the membership page: To join, complete the linked membership application in the upper right of the page.

In the future, only official members of StEER will be able to participate in event responses (either as part of VASTs: Virtual Assessment Structural Teams or FASTs: Field Assessment Structural Teams), so please take a moment to complete the membership application today.

The StEER team looks forward to working with you all to establish a community-vision for structural extreme event reconnaissance, associated data standards and training programs to enhance our collective efforts to Build Resilience through Reconnaissance.